R U Complaining To The Wrong Source....???
Hey folks..!! I take this opportunity to Wish you and your family a very
Happy and Prosperous
New Year 2016
I wish you to take complete control of your life to live your dreams and achieve all you want in your life, follow my blog a step by step guide to take "Total control Of Life".You might have noticed people often complain to the wrong source, who have nothing to do about it. They complain about office problems, Boss, Colleagues, at home/ spouse or friend and vice versa complain about home, spouse, kids, parents with colleagues at office. Think for a moment why do they do so when they very well know their complaint will not yield any fruits for them, yet too why is so they prefer to do so, Because they feel its easier and without being at any kind of risk.
People fail to gather courage to tell(discus) the problem with the right source. If you do so this can change your life which can keep you more comfortable and satisfied in life, If you are complaining about office colleague its your Boss/Office management who can do something about it and not your friends/spouse.
Take your first step by replacing complaining by making request and taking action to create your desired results. This is what works and followed by successful people out there. If you are in a situation where you are not comfortable make a choice to work to make it better or leave. Put your true efforts to change it or just get out of it, work to improve working conditions or find a job, work to improve relationship or get divorce, either way you will find a change in your life. An old saying says "Don't just sit there(Complaining), Do something to change It"
The world don't own anything to you, Its up to you to make a choice to create the change to do something different, You and only you have to-
Create It...........!!
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